A Melrose Learning Trust School

Welcome to Prior’s Mill CE Primary School. It is both a pleasure and a privilege to be Headteacher, serve the local community and represent the amazing children and families that contribute to our school. On behalf of myself, staff and governors I hope you enjoy the opportunity to find out more about Prior’s Mill and the range of opportunities we can provide for your child to fulfil their potential.

We are a large mainstream Church of England school based in Billingham, Stockton-on-Tees. Our Christian foundation is at the core of who we are and we seek to live out our Christian faith and values in all we do. The Prior’s Promise provides a distinct set of Christian values through which pupils and staff endeavour to live by both in and out of school, it is entwined within our curriculum and provides opportunity for academic, personal and spiritual growth.

Our school provides a safe, positive and encouraging environment where children feel listened to, valued and cared for. Our dedicated and enthusiastic staff team strive to provide the best possible education, outcomes and experiences for our children. We have strong partnerships with parents and carers, who we believe are vital to the education of their children, and we look forward to seeing you on many occasions to celebrate successes, discuss progress and share how you can become involved in your child’s learning journey.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website and that you find any information you are looking for. Should you wish for more detail, or would like paper copies of any information, please do not hesitate to contact us we will be happy to help. If you are a prospective parent or carer, please get in touch to arrange a visit and myself or a member of the Leadership Team would be more than happy to show you around and answer any questions.

Thank you for visiting our site!

Mr R Linsley

Term Dates




School Meals


Letters Home




The smallest of all seeds becomes the biggest of the garden plants.

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their prom last night. It was a well deserved celebration of all their hard work this year and throughout their time at Prior’s Mill! Just one more week to go kids! Be present in the moment and enjoy every second! 🥰

Over the last week in Year 1, Class 4 have enjoyed working with money in Maths. They looked at the different coins and notes that we use. They looked at how to make amounts too!

In D.T they loved investigating vehicles and used vocabulary such as chassis, axle and mechanism. They used lots... of tools and equipment to then make and evaluate their own vehicle.

Class 5 have thoroughly enjoyed designing and making hand puppets in DT. They worked hard to master their sewing skills to join the felt together, showing great perseverance and resilience. As all puppets need a purpose, the children then wrote a story about their puppet and had the opportunity to ...share these with nursery and preschool children. They received wonderful feedback from the children about their puppets and their stories. Excellent work boys and girls, well done!

Y6 SATs results were released today and all we have to say is WOW! You have all absolutely blown us away! The progress made by every single child in the Y6 cohort is nothing short of outstanding!
We are so unbelievably proud of you all and we hope you are proud of yourselves too!

Class 5 really enjoyed Fieldwork week and exploring our local area. They went on a walk to find the names of the streets near school and find some landmarks. They found the church, shops, chip shop and school, of course! Back at school they plotted the route they had walked on a map and wrote some ...directions for others to follow - they are getting very good at using right and left when giving directions.

This week, Reception children have been reading the book Hats of Faith. We have explored different religions and the children have designed their own hats in the creative area!